New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Supreme Image Cropping Issue

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  • Posted in: Supreme
  • #32097
    Post count: 5

    Hi support,

    I’m having an issue with image cropping. I don;t seem to be able to crop an image using the standard wordpress cropping or with a plugin I am using “thumbnail-crop-possition” (from Poselab). I’ve tried deactivating the plugin but I still can;t seem to crop the images.

    Do you have any suggestions, or is it possible for someone to have a look?

    Many thanks,

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hi Marcus,

    Do you get any error with the WP default cropping?

    Have you also tried this?



    Cosmin – Support

    Post count: 5


    I’ve tried WP cropping and that now seems to be working but I’m not able to use the plugins to crop the images. I’ve tried using these plugins:

    Manual Image Crop
    Thumb Nail Crop Position
    Post Thumbnail Editor

    Basically, I’d like to be able to crop from the top of the image and have it so that all thumbnail images are the same size, so that the images look uniform on the home page. I’ve tried uninstall most of my plugins but I still can;t seem to crop using the above plugins.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    If you can use the wordpress internal cropping that’s great – why would you want additional plugins?

    Post count: 5

    I wanted to use a plugin to take advantage of the plugins ability to automatically crop from the top of the image down.

    In anycase, regarding using the WordPress built-in cropping I’m also having issues. Perhaps you can help me in this. What I am trying to achieve is that I have one main image and that image, when seen as a featured image, is the same height for all posts (500 width and 400 height, cropped from the top of the original image) and the main image stays as it is – for use in the post itself. That is, if the original image is say 500px width and 1000px height, it will be cropped to 500px x 400px for the featured image. All featured images to be the same uniform size (500 x 400).

    You can see an example of featured images all the same uniform height here:

    And on my site if you look at the last post on bottom of the page below (17+ Gamer Themes…), I have tried to crop the image but as you can see it loads the full image size (the rest of the images are hard cropped outside WP, so, can ignore them).

    Thanks and look forward to your reply.


    Can you let me know what the above issue might be / how I can achieve this?


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Featured images in the theme have a preset size, defined in functions.php

    Once you’ve set it, it would need to be re-generated – that is, remove it, upload new image, crop it and set that as the featured image.


    Cosmin – Support

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