I’ve noticed that my logo isn’t showing properly in IE8. It just appears to be a sliver of the image showing. In double checking, I do not see the Dante logo when I look at the sample site in IE8 either.
I’m using WordPress 3.8.1 and using Dante Child Theme with Dante 2.16. and this is my dev site: http://jspigner.pairserver.com
I’ve set the logo width and height with numeric values (no px) for both the regular version and the retina version (I’ve left them at the same size.) I’m using header 6.
I really need to have something there in IE8 as my client has a large corporate audience who unfortunately still use IE8. I’m fine with all the fancy animations not working in IE8 but really need to have the logo…
I’m also seeing a light grey box outline at the bottom of all the pages in IE8.
Screenshot attached.
Thanks so much for any help!