I could not resolve this issue please help.This issue appear only when i open the wed site with IE9.10.11 i have tried multiple windows 7,8 and different machines. Also the header coloring is deferent.See the picture made with chore me and IE.
I was forced to manually to resize the images and reload them.Also please take a look of the header there has a issues with IE as well.I’ve credited a test page and upload different images to represent the problem.This is the link http://computerdoctor-bg.com/test-link/
some computers does not using latest version of IE11,some owners does not pay attention of the system updates etc…my concern is for people that try to open the website with IE8,9,10.it is very annoying problem.it is not supposed to be like that.
Please use this custom css at Admin -> Theme options -> Custom CSS img{max-width:100%;width:auto\9;*height:auto*\;vertical-align:middle;border:0;-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;}