New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Icon for opening link in a new window

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #45543
    Post count: 30

    Hi, continuing to adapt our website to your theme, on the old theme we used to be able to add an icon next to a link which indicated it opened in a new window, similar to how the BBC uses it (see towards the bottom of this article for some examples.

    Currently if you attempt it on your theme that the icon is far too big and is blue. Is it possible to use those icons for this purpose, or could it be included in an update? Even better if it could done automatically by checking a box when creating a link in the WordPress text editor, but I expect that’s something you can’t change or add to?

    Many thanks, Gav

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Hi Gav

    This isn’t something that many people ask for so I do not think it is something we will include in our theme, however if you send me with a link to your website I can provide you with a solution to achieve this.

    – Kyle

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