New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Icon Boxes Color switch

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #37466
    Post count: 3


    First, thanks for this great template !

    I would like to change the color of an Animated Icon Boxes
    Actually, on the same principle as the sample page ( I want a different color for each Animated Icon Boxes, is possible ?
    First i put the “extra class” name (customcolor) in the “edit text block”
    then i add this class in style.css then I added this:

    .customcolor .sf-icon-box-animated {
    	background: #00F !important;

    But nothing works, you have an idea of the good to follow?

    Post count: 3

    Following a similar subject, I’m looking for a solution but nothing works :
    I tried a new test :

    i put the class “custom” in the text block and in the iconbox like this :

     [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom="no" pb_border_bottom="no" el_class="custom" width="1/4" el_position="first"]
    [sf_iconbox image="ss-videogame" character="" type="animated" title="With Gizmo icon" animation="none" animation_delay="200" el_class="custom"]
    Vestibulum ante ipsum.

    In the style.css i put the custom class like this :

    .sf-icon-box .custom {
    Post count: 3

    same problem with the custom css code admin page.. nobody can help me ?

    Post count: 3

    Finaly its work with this custom css add :

    .color-orange .sf-icon-box-animated .back, .color-orange.sf-icon-box-animated .back h3 {
    	background-color: #F39100!important;
    	border: 1px solid #9a5c00;

    Works fine for the back animated icon, but not for the front, at 50% win ^^

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Fantastic, glad to hear that!
    Thank you for posting back and let us know if there’s anything else we can do.

    All the best!

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