New Landing How can we help? Atelier Icon box, social shortcode, newsletter button and space after header.

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #312170
    Post count: 7

    Hi! I have some questions…

    In Home 3 page (

    1- Icon Box. When you place mouse over the icon, the icon becomes black and disappears in the background which is also black.

    2- Social Shortcode. I have added Social Shortcode in a Text Block at the bottom of the page. I need to be displayed in white, enlarger size and are centered.

    3- Newsletter button. In the footer I added the code (Mailchimp). Clicking on “Subscribe” does not ask me to fill in the required email field as it should be normal. Currently opens a new tab to complete the registration.
    Also I would like to know how I can modify the “hover” effects of the “Subscribe” button and achieve a more attractive effect.

    In Preguntas Frecuentes 2 page (

    4- There is a space between the header and the beginning the body page that I want to delete. Is there any option in the theme or should I do it with CSS?



    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    1) You can change the hover using this:

    .minimal-design .sf-icon-box-standard .sf-icon-cont:hover .sf-icon, 
    .minimal-design .sf-icon-box-standard.sf-hover .sf-icon-cont .sf-icon {
        color: #fff!important;

    2) To make it larger use this: [social size="large"]. I see you already have it white.

    3) I do not see this. To set the sign up bar, follow this:

    You can change the Newsletter bar colors using this:

    #sf-newsletter-bar .sub-code>form input[type=submit], 
    #sf-newsletter-bar .sub-code>form input[type="text"], 
    #sf-newsletter-bar .sub-code>form input[type="email"] {
        border-color: #ccc;
        color: #ccc;
    #sf-newsletter-bar .sub-code>form input[type=submit]:hover {
        border-color: #eabe12;
        color: #eabe12;
    #sf-newsletter-bar input[type="email"]:focus {
    	border-color: #eabe12;

    4) Can you screenshot what you refer to, I do not see it.


    Post count: 7


    Thank you for your response, it has helped me a lot.
    I still need your help for some more issues:

    ISSUE 1. On all pages of (except Home), I need delete this space. (attached screenshot issue-1)

    ISSUE 2. In Home page (, I have currently placed the social icons with this shortcode [social size=”large”], but I want a bigger size. Is it possible to customize the size? (attached screenshot issue-2)

    ISSUE 3-A. In the Newsletter section inside the Footer. The subscribe Button: The border is visible, but not the text. And when you place the mouse over the button you see the text, but not the border. I need to see text and border, and when placing the mouse over the button it change text and border of this. (Attached screenshot issue-3A)

    ISSUE 3-B. In the Newsletter section inside the Footer. When you click the button without having completed with your email(*required), the mailchimp page is opened directly to complete the required fields. I need the message to be shown first to complete the required field, as in your demo. (Attached screenshot issue-3B)
    I hope I explained well, sorry for my english 🙂



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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Disable the Header Banner in the Theme Options => Global Header Banner Options

    2) Use this:

    .home li a {
        padding: 14px;
        width: 80px;
        height: 80px;
        line-height: 80px;
        font-size: 40px;

    3) You can change that with this:

    #footer-widgets input[type=submit] {
        color: #fff!important;
    #footer-widgets input[type=submit]:hover {
        color: red!important;
      border-color: red !important;

    4) On our demo that is actually a Contact Form 7 plugin widget in the footer columns 3


    Post count: 7

    Hi David,

    A – OK!
    B – OK!
    C – OK!
    D – Thanks, I see that in your demo is the CF7 plugin. What I mean is that when i click on “Subscribirme”, I am obliged to complete the required field without leaving my web page. Is this possible?
    I hope explained well 🙂

    E- And another question. For some reason the logo is not centered in the menu bar. How can I solve this? (Attached screenshot)



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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    4) By default that would not be possible to do.

    5) Please use this to fine tune the position:

    div#logo {
        margin-left: -70px!important;
    Post count: 7

    Ok, thanks for your help


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No problem.


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