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  • #17803
    Post count: 22

    I use regenerate thumbnail plugin,but it still blurry.
    I search for other topics about image blurry and test every recommend bout image blurry,but it still blurry.
    Now I feel bad I have this problem 2 week and I need professional support for this.

    my website

    thank you

    Post count: 8

    I had the same issue. Here are some tips that helped me.

    1. In the WOOCOMMERCE>Settings in the catalog tab, first make sure your settings for Catalog Images and Single Product Image (at the bottom of the page under image options) are at 540 width and the height would be whatever your dimension ratio allows. So for example if your uploaded images are all at 1080 width by 900 height, then the height would be 450. The best way to figure this out is to take the image you want to upload (provided that they are large format) and open it up in photoshop (or whatever photo editing software you have) Once you have it in the software simply resize the image while making sure the ratio is locked. From here just type in 540 width and walah! your height will calculated. Enter that height into the catalog tab settings along with the 540 width.

    2. Once you entered those fields in, make sure your get the regenerate your thumbs plugin. Regenerate all of the thumbs and you should be set!

    Post count: 22

    Thank you so much…Nnaraja
    kiss you.

    Post count: 4

    ive been trying to fix the “blurry thumbnail” problem for a while now.. and ive come across a few places recommending the process nnaraja described.. eg 1. Get the plugin “regenerate plugins”
    2. WooCommerce -> Settings -> Catalog, at the bottom, Change Product
    Thumbnails to 550 x 550
    3. go to tools-> regenerate thumbnails and then regenerate them

    but it doesnt work for me.. im supposed to have my website up in about a week and this is one of the main (but small) things thats holding it back!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Jimmy do all the images you upload actually have the aspect ratio 1 : 1 ?

    Post count: 4

    when you the aspect ration 1:1.. my photos are upoladed as squares (800×800) is that what you mean?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Yes, exactly. Okay, so can you let us know your wp-admin login details please so we can check it out?

    All the best

    Post count: 3

    <h2> Horray for nnaraja!</h2>

    Thanks so much!! Why that isn’t the default set-up is a mystery

    Post count: 4

    i resolved the problem… it was the regenerate converter.. thank you melanie anyways!!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Fantastic 🙂

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