Hello, is possible to make text field bigger so text would go also (meaning, when there is enought text it would go to the space where red arrow is) under the image. Because when I put there enoght text it lines up by the black line. It it possible? thanks
Thanks, but I need text to go under the image after it reaches images end. So if it’s short text it will be on the right site of image like in default.
Yes but I need part of the text next to the image, so 2.5 paragraphs (in this case) would be next to the image and rest would be under. Is it possible?
Edit: I need to put under the image only this code: <div data-configid=”18341292/14140838″ style=”width:851px; height:699px;” class=”issuuembed”></div><script type=”text/javascript” src=”//e.issuu.com/embed.js” async=”true”></script> rest of the text can stay next to the image.