New Landing How can we help? Atelier http error on file upload

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #225950
    Post count: 38

    I am at work so I am unable to work on it at the moment. But I will try disabling plugins first thing when I get home tonight.

    Thank you for your help and not giving up on me. I really appreciate it. Fingers crossed on the plugins.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Definitely it’s one of the plugins.
    Let us know the result when you can.


    Post count: 38

    I found a minute on my lunch to play. I deactivated all plugins and tried to upload an image and got the http error again. I activated only the plugins that came with the Atelier theme and still got the error.

    I was able to upload images under 100k but that doesn’t do me much good when I’m building a photography website and I need the imagery to be gorgeous.

    I am still able to upload any file regardless of size if I switch themes, and then when I switch back to Atelier I get the error with the exact same files.

    Stumped. I want to cry.

    Post count: 38

    I just thought of something, maybe it will trigger an idea with you guys.

    I was having trouble getting my woo commerce iPhone app to work. I talked to woo and they had me flip the switch to force secure checkout which was the difference between http and shttp.

    Could the upload problem be a security issue since I have an ssl certificate?

    Again I’m a graphic designer not a programmer so I don’t really know. I just don’t get why ever other theme would work fine uploading except this one.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    It could be several things, but think the problem could really be in one plugin.
    The images I uploaded were about 160kb

    Try just with the SwiftFramework.
    Also attach here an image so I can try it. use a Dropbox link or similar.


    Post count: 38

    Here is my results:

    I disabled all plugins except the swift framework and I’m able to upload images up to about 1mb. A few under 1mb gave me an error. Most images over 1mb gave me the http error, however, a few images 2-3mb in size uploaded as well. But then when I retried the same images they wouldn’t load again. I even tried the same files with altered names and they wouldn’t upload.

    I then went in and activated my plugins one by one and they didn’t seem to have an affect on anything. It almost seems random what is allowed, and what produces an error. The same file produces an error one minute and the next minute it loads. Here are a few screen shots of my my upload attempts.

    The file appears as that gray file icon when it fails. At least I can get files up to 1mb to load fairly consistently, but then again I had it working the other day, and then a few hours later I got the error again. I’m going to plug away this weekend and try to get this site built, I’ll just have to work with 1mb images.

    I’m going to leave this as “unresolved” and maybe someone else is having the same problem and fixed it will help me out. Thank you again for your time, I really do appreciate it. Have a great weekend.

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    Post count: 38

    hey guys,

    I’ve done a lot of research, looking at the http error within WordPress instead of just the Atelier theme and I’m finding a lot of people are saying this is a “mac + flash” issue. Which makes sense because the guy at my hosting provider had no issues at all and wasn’t on a mac.

    So I’m trying to disable the flash uploader but am so far unsuccessful. Do you know a good way to disable the flash uploader? A line of .php code and where to put it? I’ve tried pasting code in the functions file and several plugins that are supposed to disable the flash and not having any luck.

    here’s the code I tried in function.php:
    add_filter(‘flash_uploader’, create_function(‘$flash’, ‘return false;’));

    Thanks again, I bet you’ll be glad to be rid of me.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Never had to do this as such, there is a good article here with a couple of useful code blocks:

    I would first suggest you activate Twenty15 and test this again without any plugins activated.


    Post count: 38

    I will try and implement some of the things from your article when I get home from my day job tonight.

    And the plugins didn’t seem to matter, I turned them all off, or just had the swift framework on and it still didn’t upload correctly. And the image upload still works perfectly in any other theme I activate so I don’t need to mess with plugin activation if I switch themes. It is only when Atelier is activate that I receive the http error.

    Thanks for your time once again. I hope someone figures out how to fix this soon. It’s very inconvenient.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Ok, no problem.

    The only other option I can think of is if your WP config wp-config.php needs to have a higher memory set to 256M:

    Or maybe a rogue setting in your wp-config.php is overriding the upload process.


    Post count: 38

    I am hesitant to change anything outside of the Atelier theme files because I’ve tried a dozen other themes and the upload works flawlessly every attempt.

    I’m only having the upload error in the Atelier theme.

    I feel like it should be working since I paid $50 for a professional installation. I’m not a programmer, I’m a graphic designer, but common sense dictates that if every other theme uploads perfectly, the problem must lie within the Atelier theme. I am beyond frustrated with this. I’ve spent a good chunk of money and haven’t really been able to do much in 3 weeks of owning this template.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The $50 installation fee is in no way related to us, that is handled by the freelancer you paid via Envato.

    I would suggest you try this mentioned above:

    The only other option I can think of is if your WP config wp-config.php needs to have a higher memory set to 256M:

    Post count: 38
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    Post count: 38

    Looks like my php file uploads failed on my last post. Ironic.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Can you provide FTP access to try to increase the memory?
    Use the private reply.


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