New Landing How can we help? Atelier http error on file upload

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #224834
    Post count: 38

    I am unable to upload images into the media library using the Atelier theme. I get an “http error” (see attached screenshots). However if I switch themes I am able to upload successfully. I can use a different theme and upload an image, switch back to Atelier and try to upload the exact same image and I get the “http error”. The files are under 400k and I’ve tried JPEGs and PNGs so far.

    I have tried on 3 different computers (All Macs, running OSX versions 10.10.5 or 10.11.1), all three had different internet service providers, and I tried uploading in Safari, Chrome & Firefox (all latest versions) on all 3 computers and in every case upload works on every other theme I’ve tried, and fails when I try to upload in Atelier. My workaround is switching themes uploading and switching back, but I paid good money for this theme and had it professionally installed by Envato because of the upload problem and it still doesn’t work so it looks like I wasted $50 because I had it running just the same before paid installation.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please contact at hosting provider with these screenshot. They will provide you exact solution.

    Post count: 38

    I did call my hosting provider and they were unable to help me. They told me to contact you.

    As I stated, the upload works fine if I switch to a different theme, so the problem isn’t with my hosting provider. It’s only happening within the Atelier theme.

    I can’t be the only one with this problem. Someone please help me.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You have time limit issue. Please refer this article Hope it should help to you.

    Post count: 38

    The subject discussed in that article is exactly the problem I’m having. When I altered the .htaccess file my site was inaccessible, I am not a programmer, I am a graphic designer, so perhaps I inserted the code in the wrong place within the .htaccess file. I had to upload the original .htaccess file to my server using ftp.

    The plugin seems to be working for files under 500k, However, I am designing a photography website so I need some files to be 1960px wide and look crisp, and that’s taking me over the 500k mark. If the “WP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded” plugin opened the door for files under 500k does that give any indication what the specifics of the problem are, maybe open up the throttle a little more than the plugin did somehow? Again, I am not a programmer so idk.

    My concern is that file uploads work perfectly if I use any other theme, so I don’t think it’s a problem with my host provider or server if it only happens when the Atelier theme is active. I can upload an image successfully from a different theme and then switch to Atelier and attempt to upload the exact same file and I get an error. I was switching back and forth between themes last night just to get images in my library but I found pages I had worked on weren’t being saved properly and things seemed glitchy and I was losing work and time.

    Thank you for your time so far, I hope we can find a solution and I really appreciate your effort.

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you attach an example of 1 image where the issue is happening so we can login in your site and give it a try.
    You can share a Dropbox link or something similar.



    Post count: 38

    Please disregard my last post. I changed the 300 to 600 in the .htaccess file and it seems to work fine now. I’m attaching a screen shot in case someone else is having this problem, it’s super easy to fix, it just took me 3 weeks to find the problem. Thank you mohammadshakeel, the article you sent me got me to where I needed to be.

    Issue resolved, thank you so much!

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks for sharing. The htaccess is really powerful so all precaution is necessary.


    Post count: 38

    May I reopen this ticket?

    I’m getting the http error again. I don’t even understand how this can be, it worked for ten minutes and is busted again. It’s taking some images but not others, some successful uploads are larger in file size than unsuccessful uploads. But again it’s only this theme, I activated a few different themes and the same files that wouldn’t load in Atelier loaded fine in different themes.

    This is driving me absolutely bonkers. I’ve been trying to upload images and use this theme for almost 3 weeks.

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I would suggest to change the hosting server to Are you using fast internet connection? How many image size in kb/mb ?

    Post count: 38

    My hosting server isn’t the problem, the error only occurs when using the Atelier theme. All other themes allow uploads perfectly. And I already paid for 2 years of my server hosting hosting so switching isn’t really an option.

    Yes I am using high speed internet, but as I’ve stated I’ve tried on several computers with different internet providers and all produce the same result. The images are mostly under 1mb but when I switch themes I can upload 30mb files without a problem. It states right in the WordPress upload page that files up to 64mb are accepted. It’s only the atelier theme that produces the http error. If my server or provider were the problem it wouldn’t work on any theme.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You should try it with the default htaccess.


    Post count: 38

    I replace the htaccess file with the original and now I am back to not being able to upload anything.

    Again, if it’s only the Atelier theme where I’m having problems, shouldn’t any changes be done in the Atelier files only. Every other theme works as it should when uploading images. This has me beyond frustrated. I love the look of this theme so much and the builder is the best I’ve seen, but this file upload thing is maddening.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    We don’t have any other similar issues. Also it worked temporarily, so it’s something in your WordPress installation/server.
    I see that is being generated an internal server error 500.

    This is something in your installed plugins, when I disable all the plugins it worked fine.

    Disable all plugins and enable them again 1 by one or several at each time and test the upload to figure out what is the problematic plugin.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The theme will not be altering the htaccess file.

    However, a 3rd party plugin might be. Have you tried deactivating all plugins leaving only Swift Framework & WooCommerce active?

    – David.

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