The following lines in /wp-content/themes/joyn/swift-framework/core/sf-sidebars.php
On the front end, all that HTML in those variables is being escaped so it is displayed as HTML on the front end.
I haven’t modified this file. It’s as-is from the original theme.
$sidebar_before_title = apply_filters( 'sf_sidebar_before_title', '<div class="widget-heading title-wrap clearfix"><h4 class="spb-heading"><span>' );
$sidebar_after_title = apply_filters( 'sf_sidebar_after_title', '</span></h4></div>' );
$footer_before_title = apply_filters( 'sf_footer_before_title', '<div class="widget-heading title-wrap clearfix"><h6>' );
$footer_after_title = apply_filters( 'sf_footer_after_title', '</h6></div>' );
$gb_before_title = apply_filters( 'sf_gb_before_title', '<div class="widget-heading title-wrap clearfix"><h6>' );
$gb_after_title = apply_filters( 'sf_gb_after_title', '</h6></div>' );
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