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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #263115
    Post count: 3

    I’m trying to create a link so that the iconbox is clickable and links to the desired page. Below is what I’ve done, but it doesn’t work.

    [sf_iconbox image=”fa-stethoscope” character=”” color=”standard” type=”animated” title=”Physician Review” animation=”none” animation_delay=”200″ link=”Physician Reviewer” target=”_blank”]Our academic radiologists personally review your research and offer detailed commentary and feedback.
    Your physician reviewer is from a top US institution with extensive expertise in clinical practice, research and editorial.

    Can you please tell me what I need to do to make the iconbox work as a clickable link?


    Post count: 3

    Lightbulb went on soon after I posted my support request.
    Since this link is in a shortcode, it doesn’t need the full html… since the shortcode programming takes care of that.

    So, I just put in the actual URL w/o the HTML, and it works fine.

    For others who have the same pre-lighbulb struggle, here’s how it looks:
    [sf_iconbox image=”fa-stethoscope” character=”” color=”standard” type=”animated” title=”Physician Review” animation=”none” animation_delay=”200″ link=”” target=”_blank”]Our academic radiologists personally review your research and offer detailed commentary and feedback.
    Your physician reviewer is from a top US institution with extensive expertise in clinical practice, research and editorial.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    You got it!

    – David

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