New Landing How can we help? General Forum Help How to get rid of white space underneath menu

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  • #40473

    Hi guys!

    Terrific theme! I absolutely love DANTE, reason for which I gave it a 5 stats 🙂

    I have just two, rather important (for me) questions:

    1. How can I get rid of the white space underneath the menu, so that the parralax background starts right under the menu –

    I already checked off the “Remove the spacing at the top of the page”

    2. How do I enable the one-page navigation? I already checked off the “Enable the one page nav which appears on the right of the page.”

    I would really appreciate your help!

    Thank you so much,

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Can you please open the thread in the correct forum section? Thank you!

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