New Landing How can we help? Cardinal How to filter content in portfolio widget when using post type override

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #248490
    Post count: 5

    I’d like to use the “post type override” option in the portfolio widget.

    But I don’t know how to set and/or filter categories when I’m using “page” as post type. Most other post types have the ability to edit categories. I haven’t found a way to associate categories for pages.

    Any idea how I can use the page post type for the portfolio widget and filter specific pages within for display?

    Thanks for any hint.
    Best, Thomas

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid pages are not a form of post, so you can’t assign them to categories. Can’t see where this would be necessary?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 5

    Hi Kyle,

    your portfolio widget allows the creation of nice looking grids for various contents/content types based on their thumnails, excerpts etc. this includes also pages.

    So why just create grids limited to the classic content types like galleries, portfolios etc. It would be also great to create a portfolio widget based on pages – or even better – mixed content types but filtered through some categories.

    Example: Creation of a content hub for a special topic covering relevant pages, portfolio items and galleries.

    3rd Party Plug-ins like e.g. Ultimate Grid offer functionalities like this. Since this “grid-style” approach for Websites becomes more and more popular it would be a great feature for the Cardinal and your other themes.

    So think about it as a feature request 😉

    Thanks & best

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok thanks for the suggestion, will pass it on to the developer

    However if you want a grid of images linking to pages, just use the image asset

    – Kyle

    Post count: 5
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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem

    Post count: 11

    Hey guys,

    Has there been any development here?
    I have this page where I’d display my podcasts that are portfolio items. And the Blog element would give the perfect solution especially since I can just change it to display portfolio items instead.
    However it is showing ALL of the portfolio items and I’ve found no option to to filter it down to a certain category.

    I’ve found a way via CSS to do this.
    I’ve hidden the whole < ul > with display: none; and then revealed all the < li >s that have this category that I wanted.
    It’s not a very elegant solution but seem to work. For it though it’s best to use the AJAX – load more pagination to prevent it showing a lot more pages of items that there are in this category though.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @balint.sipos

    Yes – we’ve made a lot of progress since. We are currently working on a big update for our page builder, that will replace the individual portfolio/blog elements with a Post Grid / Post Slider etc elements, and within that you can select the post type, template etc – this will make it much more extendible with various post types and different display types. We’re hoping to have this ready in the next month or so.

    – Ed

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