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  • #139722
    Post count: 6

    We are using the “Enable image zoom on product images” functionality.

    When we click the zoom button we get a lightbox.

    How can we keep using the “Enable image zoom on product images” functionality and at the same time disable all lightbox functionality?

    We prefer to use magnifying only and no lightbox functionality at all.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    There’s an option for the hover zoom in the theme options, it’s one or the other

    – Kyle

    Post count: 22

    I’d like to respond to this, i’m using the neighboorhood theme, and i’m not seeing this response as true. i also want to completely disable the lightbox functionality and keep the zoom. i have zoom turned on, yet the lightbox functionality remains on the product.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Apologies for the delay in response. To remove the lightbox link from the image file, simply add this custom css:

    #product-img-slider li a.zoom {
    display: none;

    – Ed

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