New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante How to customize the Dante Menu for subpage fly-outs

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #252075
    Post count: 11

    Our website is in development on a secure internal server so the link provide for hour website will not work. I am providing you with screenshots to demo the edits I apply WordPress and the results I get on our website. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for CSS customizations or tricks you have to make this fly-out possible. I am using the mega-menu feature for the majority of my navigation tabs. I want to use the drop down menu for the “Company”, “Resources”, and “Contact” tabs along with the ability to make additional sub pages fly-out.

    Attached menu-fly-out-issues-menu-mockup.png screenshot: This is a screenshot of a mockup of how I would like the first tab for “Company” to include a fly-out for additional pages connected to the “Partners” sub-page.

    Attached menu-fly-out-issues-wpadmin.png screenshot: This is a screenshot of my menu settings to attempts creating the sub pate fly-outs in the “Company” tab in the menu.

    Attached menu-fly-out-issues-broken-menu.png screenshot: This is a screenshot of the results and how the drop down menu is forced to convert to the mega menu layout. Fly-out option does not work.

    Attached menu-fly-out-issues-css.png screenshot: This is a screenshot of the custom css that is in place for our theme. I want to show you this just in case you see something that causes interference.

    Thank you for the support!


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We will need a test staging site to help you with this, else it is all guesswork which will be more timely for you.


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