New Landing How can we help? Atelier How to change the Product Attributes layout Screenshot included. Also…

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #177881
    Post count: 67


    Question #1 How do I change the product attributes/variations UI to look like it does in the Screenshot attached. That is from your demo on themeforest.

    Question #2 Also, on the same page as the product listed above and in the screenshot. The Add a Review layout is different then my websites layout. How do I change it to your layout? I have also attached a screenshot for this, I would like to change my ADD A REVIEW layout to look just like this, right now it has a solid border all the way around the text field. Please view the second screenshot for this.

    Question #3 Also, how do I change the layout of the newsletter bar on the bottom of the homepage? as of now mine has a solid border all the way around it, in your demo you have just a bottom border, it looks better.

    That is a total of 3 questions, however easy ones for you. Sorry to ask a few questions in one topic but I did not want to post a ridiculous amount of topics.

    Thank you,

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) That is a variable product. You can read about them here:

    2/3) In the colour customiser (link is in the WP Admin Bar), under COLOR – UI ELEMENTS, change the form styling to “Minimal”.

    – Ed

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