How do I style my Feedburner subscribe button (you can see it here: http://mediasurvival.com/articles) to match Flexform’s styling for buttons?
I assume I simply need to add the correct class in somewhere, but I’m not sure where (or even what class to use). For example, when I tried adding class= “sf-button large accent rounded arrow” after <input it didn’t work.
Would you be able to help me?
The default code that Google Feedburner supplies (and that I pasted into a Widget text box) is:
<form style=”border:1px solid #ccc;padding:3px;text-align:center;” action=”https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify” method=”post” target=”popupwindow” onsubmit=”window.open(‘https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=MediaSurvival’, ‘popupwindow’, ‘scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520’);return true”><p>Enter your email address:</p><p><input type=”text” style=”width:140px” name=”email”/></p><input type=”hidden” value=”MediaSurvival” name=”uri”/><input type=”hidden” name=”loc” value=”en_US”/><input type=”submit” value=”Subscribe” /><p>Delivered by FeedBurner</p></form>
Your help would be very much appreciated.