New Landing How can we help? Cardinal How can I make this?

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #305602
    Post count: 14


    I think this site is made with Cardinal I am trying to figure out three things about how to achieve a similar design

    1, How to i controller the animation when scrawling from one slide to the next (the “sticky” feel when scrawling up and down)?

    2, Are these separate pages when scrawling up and down, or is this one page with stacked images put beneath each other?

    3, When you click on the animated text that is on each slide it takes you to a video player that looks identical to the one you guys use in your web page for Cardinal… I was fully expecting to find the identical option in Cardinal but cant find it. Basically the sliding down black curtain with the video embedded in it. Would it also be possible to have the same behavior (sliding down black curtain) for contact and about section?

    Thank you.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    That site does not use Cardinal from what I can see.

    1) To enable the sticky header you do so here: Theme Options => Header Options => Sticky Header

    2) You can add Row assets from the page builder and set the parallax fixed background image.

    3) That is a fullscreen video available in the page builder.


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    0) They would have hired a developer to customise the theme beyond it’s standard “out the box” functionality.

    1) The homepage functionality that you refer to uses the Swift Slider – it has the full screen option enabled + the Curtain option selected.

    2) The pop up text is an animation setting on the page builder text Row called Fade Up.

    3) As mentioned above, it’s within the Page Builder/Shortcodes. Here is our demo example of the fullscreen video popup:

    Post count: 14
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You add the Swift Slider text content here:

    2) I do not see your page title. Please screenshot where you do and provide a URL.

    3) Set the naked header on the page.

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    Post count: 14
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) You want a text link and not the button? You can inspect the source code and find the button HTML and remove the icon so like this:

    <a href="#" class="fw-video-link fw-video-link-icon " data-video="">ADD YOUR TEXT</a>

    2) That’s the logo. You want to remove the logo? Use this CSS:

    .full-center #logo {
    display: none;

    3) What page do you see this on?

    4) The images are set to fill the width / height space in relative proportions. You would need to adjust your image proportions.

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