I have gone to lengths to attempt to figure out an issue. When I try to hover in the main nav menu from the top button to subcategories, the “out” function is called immediately and the menu closes. This occurs in both the main menu as well as the shopping cart. Literally, there is no time to mouse over to the submenu/subcategory. I have tried this function on the newest versions of safari, firefox, opera, chrome and IE just to ensure that this error appears everywhere. The main issue appears during the initial movement from the top button to the first subcategory. Once the user is allowed to go into any subcategory, the issue disappears.
I have noticed that hoverintent r7 is included with the theme. After some research, I changed the timeout value from 0 to 1000 in jquery.hoverIntent.min.js – found in the JS folder in the theme – and that worked, but only on chrome and only in the main nav menu, not the woocommerce section/shopping cart drop down menu.
From what I understand about hoverintent, the handlerOut function is glitching and rendering the whole menu inoperable. Is there any CSS that would stay both the shopping cart/wishlist as well as the main nav menu while the user browses the subcategories?