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  • #231288
    Post count: 10

    I bought the neighborhood theme. I download the demo content in wordpress and yet the sliders that i wanted (the one like the example 1) donesnt seem to work, in fact neither of the revolution sliders work.

    I tried to import a file .txt named homeslider by dropbox in one of your answers and it sais it is not compatible.

    In the page it goes ¨Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias homeslider not found. ¨

    Please can you give me a solution? homeslider, neighborhood

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please take a look now, I have imported the home slider.

    – David.

    Post count: 1

    I also need to import the Homeslider and get the same error message using the txt file from dropbox.
    Could you send me the correct file?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I am using the same zip file, please make sure you are selecting to import the zip file and not a file within the zip file.

    If you encounter any more trouble, please open a new ticket and privately post your WP details.


    Post count: 13

    I’m also having this issue. Fresh download of the theme. Definitely installed properly (using the “Required Plugins Installer” provided in this theme). Not sure what the problem is… Just letting you know this isn’t an isolated issue!

    1) Download a fresh copy (full) of the theme
    2) Extract the contents of the .ZIP file
    3) From the WordPress Admin Panel, click “Slider Revolution” button in the main menu (left)
    4) Near the top of the page, there should be x3 boxes- click the one that says “Import Slider”
    5) In the ‘Open File’ window that appears, navigate to …\Neighborhood_v3.2.3\Demo Content\Revolution Slider Demo
    6) Select the .ZIP archive named ‘’ (located in the directory listed above)
    7) Leave ‘Custom Animations’, ‘Custom Navigations’ and ‘Static Styles’ at their defaults (feel free to change this if you know what these options do)
    8) Finish the import by clicking the ‘Import Slider’ button

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Thanks Derek!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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