Hi there,
I want to make my slider the same as the one you guys have in your demo, but i can’t seem to make it happen.
website is http://dev.capcreative.com.au/everywhereinternet/
As you can see it doesn’t stretch the length of the page as you one does… Please help!
I created the revo slider then put the code in the following on the Main Index Template
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php putRevSlider(“homepage”,”homepage”) ?>
$options = get_option(‘sf_supreme_options’);
$sidebar_config = $options[‘archive_sidebar_config’];
$left_sidebar = $options[‘archive_sidebar_left’];
$right_sidebar = $options[‘archive_sidebar_right’];
$blog_type = $options[‘archive_display_type’];
Was this the right way to do it?
any help is much appreciated