New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Home page only displays partial content; unable to edit

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #177134
    Post count: 9

    Forgive me if this is something obvious; I’m new to making websites, and I’m a little stumped.

    I’d been away from my site for a while, and now that I’m ready to push forward with my business, I was hoping to finish it up. However, my home page is almost entirely broken. None of the text or icons or animations show up; it’s just empty space. The blog summary/picture at the bottom is still working, and the video clip near the top. Though the video clip of space near the bottom (which came with the demo site, if I recall) is now skipping strangely, and it looks like it’s somehow flipping the image sporadically. Truly odd.

    My home page is essentially one of the home pages of the demo site, just tweaked and typed over. Hopefully this would make fixing it easy.

    I will add that if you go to edit the homepage, and you check the latest revision, all the code for everything is there. All the icons and things I’ve typed. It just won’t display.

    Lastly (this may be helpful with this issue), I notice that if I try to edit any page with the Swift page builder, it endlessly says “Loading please wait…” in the box underneath the Elements button. It’s said that for about twenty minutes now. Thus, I’m also unable to edit anything. So it’s a fairly big issue.

    (my this is getting long)

    Double lastly, the Revolution slider on the home page/front page was also not displaying. I checked and found that it was a little outdated, so I attempted to update it. It wouldn’t let me, nor would it let me export the slider. Removing it may be required, but I put a lot of work into it and I don’t want to remove it without exporting what I’ve done. Just try and update it. The manual update button on the Revolution page does nothing. The export slider button does nothing. This may be more suited to the Revolution help staff, so I apologize for including it, but since you’re taking a look I feel I’d get an accurate response as to why it’s bugging out on me.

    Thanks for your patience and time! I do otherwise love this theme!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please check the documentation and video tutorials Hope you can create the pages easily after watching and reading tutorials.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The Revolution slider is causing some issues in the front end and in the admin.
    You should delete the plugin files, don’t worry because your slides are stored in the database.

    After deleting the entire plugin directory install again the Rev Slider plugin.
    You can get the latest version from the link below.

    Let us know the result.

    Post count: 9

    I attempted to delete the plugin through wp-admin, but it said that it failed: “Plugin could not be deleted due to an error: Could not fully remove the plugin(s) revslider/revslider.php.”

    So I went into File Manager, into public_html, into plugins, and I found revslider. I deleted the directory. I went back to wp-admin and tried to delete the plugin; however, it gave me the same error! Going back to the file manager, I found that the revslider directory had appeared again (if I went up one level, then returned). Something seems to be rebuilding it each time I delete it. I would go prowling around for some sort of backup or whatnot, but I’m afraid I may mess with something and cripple the site.

    Post count: 9

    Though I will mention, text and icons have returned to the front page! Which is great. The only thing not displaying now is the Revolution slider. So close…

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please download the latets revolution slider plugin Version 4.6.93 – and upgrade through FTP software. Now you can work with easily.

    Post count: 9

    Thanks Mohammed, your advice worked seamlessly, and now the Revolution slider is updated and working.

    I’ve tried to figure out how to reach the backup of the slider I initially had on the frontpage, which I’ve tracked down within my database (I believe it’s in the uploads folder). However, I’m unable to figure out how to access that folder from the Revolution plugin.

    I attempted to FTP it from my site to my computer, but it seems difficult to download as I’m unable to browse my site’s database from FileZilla; I can only upload to a particular folder. I imagine this is an easily solved issue, and I’m just missing something.

    Thanks for your help so far. My front page is now nearly fixed!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Don’t understand you current issue, the slides are stored in the database and not in directory files.

    It seems you still have 4.6.5 version.
    Delete the current rev slider directory using FTP and upload the latest version using the Add new plugin functionality inside WordPress admin.

    Get here the latest version


    Post count: 9

    So, here’s the update.

    I FTP’d the latest revslider plugin to my server, to the only folder which is visible from FileZilla (called jeaux, under public_html). Then, through the backend, I copied this into the plugins folder, right over the previous revslider.

    This didn’t work. When I try to copy it over, I get this error message: “FileOp Failure on: /home6/aetheri2/public_html/jeaux/revslider: Permission denied”

    So I followed Mohammed’s advice and tried to copy the revslider folder through FileZilla, but as I mentioned, I am unable to navigate my server through FTP. Only one folder is viewable, which I can upload to/download from. So that route seems a no go.

    I asked the FileZilla support staff why this was, and they said it may be due to how WordPress is installed on Bluehost: the “one click install” they have may have installed it outside of the ftproot.

    The FileZilla support staff said that essentially only the hosting provider can fix this. I am about to write a support ticket for Bluehost. I just wanted your input on any other steps I ought to take. It seems rather tricky to get this old revslider plugin off of my site!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I would suggest to contact at hosting provider about this issue.

    Post count: 9

    So! Many months later, I have news. My host was able to remove the folder, and I was able to update to the next Revolution Slider. Thanks everyone for your help!

    Now I have one more question. It has been said that the slides for the Revolution Slider I had set up on my home page are saved somewhere in the database. My question is, how can I retrieve those slides? I was unable to make a backup of it since the plugin was spazzed out, so my only hope is to go the database route. All pictures and everything involved in the slider are still accessible.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    There is no way to recover the slides without any backup. And I am not sure about database options because its a third party plugin.

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