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  • #77045
    Post count: 218

    hi everybody,

    may you pleas look into this page:

    I really like the first page of this web site.
    is this possible with the theme neighborhood?

    I would like to put on my home page following items:
    – one revolution slider on the top
    – below the slider some product images like in this page.
    I would also like to know if its possible to put a transparent slid with a text block over an
    product image
    – and is it possible to make a free layout like this?

    thanks a lot for your help!

    best wishes,

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You can make it through page builder .
    1- Please go to Admin -> Pages -> Add/Edit Pages -> Add content in page through page builder

    2- Use revolution slider element or shortcode first.

    3- Use recent products mini element .

    4- Use parallax element.

    Hope that will help you sure
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

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