New Landing How can we help? Atelier Hide Product Page Description Tab + Short Description Field

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #243880
    Post count: 72


    I would like to remove the ‘description’ at the bottom of product pages and use the description that’s at the top of the page. I looked through the forum and found CSS to hide the description at the bottom. But I’d still like to use the main text field in the back-end to fill product descriptions.

    Basically I’d like to hide the additional info at the bottom of the page, but have the summary description field at the top hooked to my main text box in the back-end. I’d prefer not having to use the ‘product short description’ field.

    I’ve attached an image to give you a better idea

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-

    display:none !important;


    Post count: 72

    Hi Moh,

    That just hides the short description and leaves the top description field blank.

    I’d basically like to swap the fields that are used for the full-description and the short description. I know I can hide the the ‘additional info’ tabs in the bottom of the product page but this would mean I’d have to enter product descriptions in backend’s ‘short description field’ and leave the ‘full description’ field blank.

    Instead I’d also like these description fields also swapped in the backend so that anyone editing our cateloge in the future is not confused by the dual description fields in the Woocommerce back-end.



    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I am not getting you exactly. Please indicate your issue through marked screenshot.

    Post count: 72

    No problem Moh.

    Since the theme currently uses two description fields products, the ‘product short description’ field is typically hooked to the description shown at the top of product pages, while the larger text field fills the ‘description’ tab at the bottom of the product page.

    Since you helped me remove the ‘description’ tab from product pages, I’d like to also remove the ‘product short description’ field from the backend, and solely use the description field at the top. The reason I need to use description field at the top as opposed to leaving it blank and filling in the ‘product short description’ in the backend is because this text field is used by Yoast to evaluate the copy, and it would be confusing for others who are managing our catalog if they were to scroll to the bottom of the page to edit product descriptions.

    I’ve added two images showing the current setup and what we’re trying to achieve instead. Let me know if you require further clarification.

    Thanks again!

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please open to edit meta-boxes.php file at /atelier/includes/.
    Find this code and remove:-

    				'name' => __('Product Short Description', 'swiftframework'),
    				'desc' => __("You can optionally write a short description here, which shows above the variations/cart options.", 'swiftframework'),
    				'id'   => "{$prefix}product_short_description",
    				'type' => 'textarea',
    				'std'  => "",
    				'cols' => '40',
    				'rows' => '8',


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