New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Hide layerslider

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #133909
    Post count: 122

    In custom css how do I hide the layer slider homepage slider. I would like @1024 to replace it with the swift slider.

    Post count: 122

    it looks like the latest version of layerlsider added the function to hide under certain media values.

    Post count: 122

    Because the layer slider now can be hidden – can I set via css for the swift slider to be used as the page slider @1024 – even though it the layerslider was set as the page slider for the homepage?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Guess only if you are using them has assets inside the Swift Page Builder.
    Has a page meta option for the slider you can only choose one.


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