New Landing How can we help? Atelier Help needed with some shop display issues.

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #275343
    Post count: 34

    Hi! I have a tech guy helping me with many of the issues I described above. He wants to know if it is possible to override this file from the child theme: wp-content/plugins/swiftframework/includes/custom-post-types/portfolio-type.php

    I want all changes he does to be on the child theme so that when there are theme updates we don’t lose whatever he did, but apparently there is a modification that he made that he can’t do on the child one.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    A good way to think about doing that would likely be to create his own custom plugin “SF Extensions”, then within that new plugin include the file and new registration functions and de-register the required function(s) from the swiftframework plugin.


    Post count: 34

    Thank you! He seemed to know what that means… (I don’t 🙂 )

    And, I was also pleased to see that comments are now possible on the portfolio pages. Thank you so much! How can I assign that to all of them without having to go into each portfolio to change the setting? (We have over 70 of them.)

    I am having problems with some of the woocommerce images not cropping to a square, which is the setting I chose.
    Example: There is a listing called “The Loaded Trunk – World Cultures Bowl” on this page: It’s at the bottom of the page right now. The top image is horizontal and the second image is showing in the background. This makes the title go out of synch.

    Here is another: “Woven Dog Food Paper Bracelet, ‘Angler’, Medium $38.00” on

    Finally, I assigned the Swift banners to different pages and have a set for the Market: The shop pages (all pages using woocommerce) are pulling from the Home page set. How do I assign those pages to a certain set?

    There are still a lot of settings that I don’t understand, but am coming along… Thank you!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Regarding your comments, you just need to bulk edit. Watch my screencast:

    2) After you change the image setting you must rebuild the images, did you do this? You need to use this plugin:

    3) Not sure what you mean. Are you looking to set a banner for the shop page, then also all product categories?


    Post count: 34

    Hi, David-

    I don’t see a link to your screencast.

    But, your solution doesn’t seem practical as we have a marketplace and people are going to continue to load hundreds of images, maybe even thousands and they will be all different sizes. I have told them that 1200 pixels square is our ideal size, but they will do what they will do. Some don’t have good editing skills, while others will just want to show the full piece in whatever size they choose. That means that the display needs to re-size these things automatically. It would not make sense for me to even try to rebuild or control the images other people are going to load.

    The banner issue again: I have set up different categories for the slides and assign them to different pages. I have one set for the home page and another for the shop area (our market). The shop category displays fine on our shop landing page, but as you explore the shop categories, the banners at the top of all the other pages are using the Home page category. How can this be fixed?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) There maybe a plugin that would apply minimum image upload limits to help you manage this.

    2) You cannot set a Swift Slider on the Shop Categories, only on the actual shop pages.


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