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  • #201084
    Post count: 20

    Apologizes as I am newbie , almost 2 months now still working on this website…

    Hi I have few questions:
    As you see
    1) on the Right side: How do I show more latest products? currently only 3 items, would like to show more on the page.

    2) Right side: under categories area,no image was shown, what setting I should set to make the product appear?

    3) Left side column: how come nothing shown under categories?

    4) product page: how do I make the overall text font smaller (for the text on the right side)?

    5) Do I need to update Demo content?

    thank you,

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) It’s a carousel, if you want to show in a grid you will need to use the products asset instead of product carousel

    2) Go to WooCommerce > Products > Categories and add an image to the categories

    3) They are post categories, if you want to show product categories, go to Appearance > Widgets and add the WooCommerce Product Categories Widget

    4) Which text? All of it? Or just the description?

    5) No

    – Kyle

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