I have the last date version and the last version of wordpress.
My url is : FantastiCook.fr
My first issue would be that my icons on the mobile header are touching the top of the top bar and so, are not centered in the middle of the Header. Also the two icons for menu and cart are not at the same height. To finish i enable the sticker menu and i got nothing on my phone.
My second issue is about finding the .po of the product page review section. It’s written “There are no reviews yet, would you like to submit yours?” and it’s quite impossible to find the string to translate. Also same for the “waiting moderation” when leaving a review and also for the counter of review when you left one : near the price its correctly translated to french “2 avis clients” but just over you could see again “2 reviews”. Please tell me where to go i looked in the date .po, wordpress and module and didn’t find anything.
One last question : is there any way as woo commerce is generating password with the email adresse with the part before the “@” to also take in count the last part of the email address. In this way the client use his full address as a login ? like [email protected] instead of test ?
Thanks a lot for your help