My website is :
I use this HTML CODE in your header option Header left text config:
<div><font color=”#e23100″><font size=”2″>Glass Studio</font></font> <span class=”gl-sh-pr-grey”><font color=”#E0E0E0″>|</font></span> <font size=”2″>Online Shop</font> <span class=”gl-sh-pr-grey”> <font color=”#E0E0E0″>|</font></span> <font size=”2″>Hotels & Restaurants</font><span class=”gl-sh-pr-grey”> <font color=”#E0E0E0″>|</font></span> <font size=”2″>Limited Edition</font></div><span class=”gl-sh-pr-grey”>
but, what I want is the menu you can see:
“Glass Studio | Online Shop | Hotels & Restaurants | Limited Edition”
when you click to one of these links, while you go to the specific page to change to the accent color of my website “#E0E0E0” , and to be underline as this is happening with the main menu.