This is possible, but would require a bit of code tweaking. I have a working version I can provide with the below code.
If you create a test page, please add the below code:
<div class="spb_icon_box col-sm-12">
<div class="spb-asset-content">
<div class="sf-icon-box sf-icon-box-standard sf-animation sf-icon- sf-animate" data-animation="none" data-delay="0" style="">
<a href="#modal-1" target="_self" data-toggle="modal" class="linked-icon"><i class="fa-bolt sf-icon sf-icon-float-none sf-icon-large" style=""></i></a>
<div class="sf-icon-box-content-wrap clearfix">
<h3 style="color:;"><a href="#model-1" target="_self">Trigger Popup</a></h3>
<div class="sf-icon-box-content" style="">
<p>click the edit button to change this text.</p>