Hi Ed,
After a lot of digging around, I believe I finally found what was causing this. In the last update of the Groups for WooCommerce plugin, a ‘Force registration on checkout’ option was added to the settings and was activated by default. Guest checkout now works with that option deactivated. So, consider my problem resolved. I still have to see whether this option in the plugin affects they way subscription-based purchases are handled, but that’s a question for the plugin author.
By the way, I’m unable to get to the checkout on the Themeforest demo. I can add some items to the shopping bag, but every time I try to go to checkout, the shopping bag is emptied and I’m redirected to the Shop page.
The other thing I’ve noticed is that the ‘Checkout as guest’ option is always visible on the My Account page when going through the checkout, even when the ‘Enable guest checkout’ is not activated in the WooCommerce settings. This could be confusing for customers, especially on sites that do not allow guest checkouts.
Thanks for the help.