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  • #13469
    Post count: 14

    I’m experiencing this error when checking out as a guest. Guest checkout is selected as an option in Woocommerce. This is what it says after submitting in the Review Payment:

    Please enter an account username.
    Please enter an account password.

    Post count: 67

    I have the same

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,

    This was fixed in v1.2, please update via your dashboard.

    – Ed

    Post count: 99

    I’m having the same problem and I’m using v1.2. See attached image.

    Post count: 67

    new version 1.2 in my case solved this bug

    Post count: 99

    OK, thanks for the info, bonusdeluxe. Are you using the child theme?


    Post count: 67

    I think i am using full theme (no child version)
    I have started from beginning with clean and new install
    of wp and template (test mode before any surprise)
    no demo files attached.
    : )
    but I am child in a fog (from time to time)

    Post count: 99

    Hahaha! OK, thanks for letting me know. I am using a child theme, though I’m not sure that has anything to do with this problem. I did modify the My Account page, but I don’t think that would affect the checkout pages. I guess I’ll have to investigate some more.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey there Nathan, can you activate the main theme only without the child theme to see if the issue still exists then?

    Post count: 2

    Im having this issue and its a nightmare as I can view a lot of traffic on my site all stopping dead at checkout -.-

    Post count: 2

    Need this sorting asap as loss of earnings and reputation is quite big, just overhyped the launch and now people can’t even order

    Post count: 14

    Migrating to 1.2 fixed it for us. We just overwrote the files changed in the last change log.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Flexdesigns can you please also update to v1.2? Thank you!

    Post count: 99

    Hi there,

    OK, so I’ve been trying to solve this problem but have not had any luck. The problem is there when the main theme is activated as well. The strange thing is that the error is only for the password and not the username (ass you can see in the attachment in my first message). I have ‘enable guest checkout’ checked in the WooCommerce settings but it’s acting as if it wasn’t.

    I’ve re-upoladed and overwritten all of the files for v1.2. FYI, I have made minor changes (heading titles were changed) to the my-orders.php and my-account.php templates. I don’t think this would be a problem, but maybe I’m wrong.

    What else is strange is that if I disable ‘enable guest checkout’, the option to checkout as a guest still appears in the checkout page when I attempt a test purchase. I’m not sure what else to do.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll assign the developer to this thread to check it out. Thanks!

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