Hi there,
OK, so I’ve been trying to solve this problem but have not had any luck. The problem is there when the main theme is activated as well. The strange thing is that the error is only for the password and not the username (ass you can see in the attachment in my first message). I have ‘enable guest checkout’ checked in the WooCommerce settings but it’s acting as if it wasn’t.
I’ve re-upoladed and overwritten all of the files for v1.2. FYI, I have made minor changes (heading titles were changed) to the my-orders.php and my-account.php templates. I don’t think this would be a problem, but maybe I’m wrong.
What else is strange is that if I disable ‘enable guest checkout’, the option to checkout as a guest still appears in the checkout page when I attempt a test purchase. I’m not sure what else to do.