New Landing How can we help? Atelier Gravity Forms Product Add-on Extension Not Working

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #240968
    Post count: 32

    This is the continuation of a discussion started here:

    In short, the products that use GFPA do not add to cart if Ajax is enabled, but they add properly if Ajax is disabled. The products that do not use GFPA do not add to cart when Ajax is disabled, but they add properly if Ajax is enabled.

    I don’t use a caching plugin, but I use WP Engine, who handles caching internally. I contacted WP Engine and they originally guessed that it was likely a caching issue, so they added the rules they recommend for sites that use WooCommerce. After doing that, the issue persisted and they said that it does not appear to be a caching issue, which seems to make sense because the issue resolves when I switch to a different theme.

    For clarity, the product category that uses GFPA is Shop –> Custom Fabric Bulletin Boards. None of the other three product categories under Shop use the GFPA extension.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
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    Post count: 32

    I was not able to add products from the Decorative Push Pins category to cart in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on my 2015 MacBook Pro, my iPhone 6S, or my client’s Windows 10 machine. I was, however, able to add products Custom Fabric Cork Boards category.

    Thereafter, I noticed that Ajax was not active on the site, so I reenabled it. Now, I’m able to add Decorative Push Pins, but I can no longer add Custom Fabric Cork Boards.

    Post count: 32

    I just converted the site to Extra by Elegant Themes and it works great now. For simplicity, I’m just going to keep the site on Extra. Thanks for your help, though!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    @seoskyrocket, ok – if you drop us an email via our TF page we would be happy to work through this with you to help you out should you wish.


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