New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Google Map Element – Samsung Androids – Informational

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #44554
    Post count: 43

    Google Map Element & Samsung Androids …phones or tablets

    Edit Google Map
    Fullscreen Display

    Select No

    A Yes selection will render a dark blank page

    Apple and Asus did not care

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    This does not happen on our installations, so if you need help with a specific problem on your website, I would always need to see your site live please.
    Could you tell me your website URL please? You can do so by typing it into a reply.
    If you want to send a private reply that only you and the admins can see it, please scroll down and enable the checkbox to do so. Can you also show us screenshots of what you see please?

    Also, we might need to check the backend of your website, so to speed things up, could you let me know your login details please?

    Thanks and cheers!

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