New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Supreme Google Fonts and Cyrillic text

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  • Posted in: Supreme
  • #25395
    Post count: 11

    How to add Cyrillic Google Fonts for text please?
    I’ve read your answers to the similar questions at this forum, but I couldn’t find a straight forward answer.
    Is there a solution to this problem? Where exactly do you insert this link <link href=’,cyrillic,cyrillic-ext’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>?

    Also is it possible to solve this problem inserting some code within Custom CSS box as any later update of your theme might cause a problem to amended .php files?

    Please help… Thanks!

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Try this, open up header.php, and you will find something like this.

    WebFontConfig = {
    google: { families: [<?php echo $custom_fonts; ?> 'Vidaloka'] }

    in that add something like this.

    WebFontConfig = {
    google: { families: [<?php echo $custom_fonts; ?> 'Vidaloka'],
    text: 'cyrillic'

    Also make sure that custom font you choose on google fonts is cyrillic support font.

    Let me know, What you got.


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