I’ve a strange question that I don’t be able to understand and resolve.
Now, I’ve a good homepage very light and speedy, perfect for me.
There is a strange thing with the file:
http://www.seetorino.com/wp-content/themes/cardinal/css/font/ss-gizmo.woff and http://www.seetorino.com/wp-content/themes/cardinal/css/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.5.0
The time for download this file sometimes is some milleseconds and sometimes it’s 2 seconds.
It’s a strange and I don’t be able to understand why:
Do you know some solution or other because without this problem my page often stay in 600ms but with this strnage problem the time sometimes it’s more then two second.
p.s. Before I chenged the hosting for better time the problem was the same and
was the same with previous version of theme so I decided to try ask you.
p.s.s. With my hosting i’ve CDN Cloudfare. Now it’s disable because I want to optimize all but I will try last weeks and not resolve the problem.
Bye Maurizio