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  • #258023
    Post count: 13


    I’ve added two widgets to the woocommerce sidebar of our webshop: the product categories and the gender. Visitors can now filter the products by the categories but the gender filter does not work. I’ve set the gender attribute at all published products, but the gender filter still does not show up on the webshop site.

    Please see the webshop and woocommerce sidebar at:
    While you can see the product attributes for example here:
    If you click on the Additional information tab on the product page, you can see that the gender attribute has been added.

    Could you please help me to fix this issue and let me know how to allow the gender filter in the woocommerce sidebar?


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Will check this with the dev team and get back to you.


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