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  • Posted in: Ability
  • #22211
    Post count: 23


    Just baught Ability and are getting a little better on tuning it.
    One thing I wonder how I can solve, is the thumbnails in the Portfolio.
    As You can see in the two pictures/dumps attached, I want to get rid of the pictures behind the red cross, and land in the situation with the green ”check” (dump from Your own demo site).

    How do I do it? 🙂


    Post count: 23

    I think I may have fixed it manually, by switching to code mode in page edit, and simply deleted the text/code content.

    Still, the gallery runs as supposed – but I can’t get the self-made background to activate … 🙁


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’m sorry I don’t understand your question 🙁 Could you please rephrase your question?

    Thank you!

    Post count: 23


    Did you look at the attached pictures, which the text refers to ..?

    But it doesn’t matter any more. As you can see, I’ve solved it.

    Best Regards/JohanL

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Yeah your screenshots don’t make much sense, sorry. Glad you solved it.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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