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  • #126595
    Post count: 313

    I may be going about this in the wrong way, but I want a section on the page with a different background, with the text centered to align vertically with the titles in the other text blocks. I have tried the full width text block, using centering with CSS, but I realize that the result is exactly centered, but the titles in your text blocks are slightly to the left.

    SO, I tried creating a full width text block only using a title. This works great, except every time I make any edit to any part of the page, the message in the body of the text block comes back – “This is a full width text block. Click the edit button to change this text.” If I don’t notice it, it shows up on my page.

    Is there another away to achieve a full width section of the page with a different background such as what I am describing? Here is a screenshot of a small version of that. I would like to know 2 things:

    1. If this is the only way, how do I prevent that annoying message from coming back each time I make an edit? I tried adding a blank space but that adds space below my title.

    2. Is there a way to create a very large section of a page with a different background?

    I hope this made sense. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Try to remove that title using the Custom CSS, or try to remove the default value of that element for that visit \wp-content\themes\neighborhood\includes\swift-framework\page-builder\builder\shortcodes\full-width-text.php in line #71 you will see this

    "value" => __("<p>This is a full width text block. Click the edit button to change this text.</p>", 'swift-framework-admin'),

    remove the text, like this

    "value" => __("", 'swift-framework-admin'),

    Let us know,


    Post count: 313

    I really apologize for not getting back to you on this sooner. Somehow I lost track of this until it came back to haunt me. But I so appreciate your answer.

    Can you please tell me how to make this change such that it isn’t affected when there is a theme update?

    Can I literally create all of those sub-directories under my child theme and place a file in it called full-width-text.php with the changes?

    Thank you so much!!!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please paste this code at functions.php of child theme.

    function sf_text_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
    $translated_text = strtolower($translated_text);
    switch ( $translated_text ) {
    case '<p>this is a full width text block. click the edit button to change this text.</p>' :
    $translated_text = __( '<p></p>', 'swift-framework-admin' );
    return $translated_text;
    add_filter( 'gettext', 'sf_text_strings', 20, 3 );


    Post count: 313

    Thanks, Mohammad.

    This is great except for one problem. It now adds space where the blank line is, which is not what I want. Is there a way for it to default to no content unless you put it in there?

    See before and after screen shot.

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please remove last one code and use this one new code:-

    function sf_text_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
    $translated_text = strtolower($translated_text);
    switch ( $translated_text ) {
    case '<p>this is a full width text block. click the edit button to change this text.</p>' :
    $translated_text = __( ' ', 'swift-framework-admin' );
    return $translated_text;
    add_filter( 'gettext', 'sf_text_strings', 20, 3 );


    Post count: 313

    Yes!!! That is the solution. Thank you so much. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You most welcome. I’m glad that issue resolved.
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
    With Best Regards

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