New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Full width still an issue after update

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #48798
    Post count: 61


    I know I’ve seen some posts about people having an issue with portfolio pages going full width after the Dante 2.0 update. Was this ever fully resolved? I know Ed said that it would be fixed in a hot update right after 2.0 was released, but we are currently updated to Dante 2.1 and still having this issue.

    The specific issue is when portfolio pages are saved in page builder mode. This causes them to display full width. A quick fix is to go into the classic editor and then save, which fixes the issue. Of course, I’d like a more fundamental fix…

    Here is an example:

    Any thoughts?

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I am working on it and update you very soon .
    With Best Regards
    Swiftideas Themes

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