New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Full Width Header with Boxed Layout

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #48138
    Post count: 112

    I’m using a boxed layout because I like being able to use different outer and inner page backgrounds. I’m having trouble figuring out how to make the header full width. I’ve tried all header combinations in the settings, but it seems that the boxed layout forces a boxed header? What can I do to get a full width header while using the boxed layout?

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please open to edit header.php at line 215

    Find this code 
    			// MOBILE MENU
    			echo sf_mobile_menu();
    Replace with 
    			// MOBILE MENU
    			echo sf_mobile_menu();
    <div id="container">
    			<!--// HEADER //-->
    			<div class="header-wrap<?php echo $header_wrap_class; ?>">
    				<?php if ($enable_top_bar) { ?>
    					<!--// TOP BAR //-->
    					<?php echo sf_top_bar(); ?>
    				<?php } ?>	
    				<div id="header-section" class="<?php echo $header_layout; ?> <?php echo $logo_class; ?>">
    					<?php echo sf_header($header_layout); ?>
    AND please remove this code from  line 222 t0 235
    <!--// HEADER //-->
    			<div class="header-wrap<?php echo $header_wrap_class; ?>">
    				<?php if ($enable_top_bar) { ?>
    					<!--// TOP BAR //-->
    					<?php echo sf_top_bar(); ?>
    				<?php } ?>	
    				<div id="header-section" class="<?php echo $header_layout; ?> <?php echo $logo_class; ?>">
    					<?php echo sf_header($header_layout); ?>
    Please take a backup of header.php and take this action . It will make header as you desire .

    With Best Regards
    SwiftIdeas Themes

    Post count: 112

    Works beautifully Mohammad! Thank you!

    For any other user who reads this, you should note that you need to copy the header.php file from the Dante parent theme and paste it into the Dante child theme. Then, edit the child theme’s header.php (with the code Mohammad provided) so that you won’t lose the changes when you update to the latest version of Dante.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Thankyou for your explanation . SwiftIdeas team always suggest to make changes in child theme .

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