Hi I was wondering if its possible to show the full content in the excerpt on a recent posts element. The same way you can do it on a blog element. I need the styling of the recents posts element but the excerpt function of the blog element.
Right now I can set the excerpt to like 200 words but the only way that works is if I copy the whole post to custom excerpt in meta options. That’s not a nice workaround.
It doesn’t seem to do the trick. In the code I read that’s it’s for the bold element? That’s a type in the blog element right? But not the recent posts element?
In one post i did and one I didn’t use custom excerpt, just to test it out. The one without custom doesn’t show full content. (the post is only 72 words)
Unfortunately the full post is 72 words according to the WPeditor. So there’s still is something that keeps the element from showing all content. The excerpt is only showing 60 words.