New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Front-end Login for Customers

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #202804
    Post count: 13


    there is a possibility to setup a simple login, where i can see (in front-ed) my name or something that indicates that is my customer-account but not like wordpress dashboard at the top, in front-end like a classic e-commerce.

    I can’t do anything that works fine, where i wrong?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779
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    Post count: 13

    that page is a woo-commerce page, this would say that if i try to buy something also in some “Campaign” (that use Easy digital Download EDD) all the detail (purchase history, billing and shipping address) are saved in my woo-commerce account?

    Because in i’m trying but it work only with products in Woo-commerce (Shop), if i try with some “Campaign” in that page there isn’t any informations about the campaign purchase history, there is informations only in this page:

    For the next update it would be fine have a login notice in home page for the customer e not only in “my account”. You know if it’s in preparation? Or some plug-in to solve this feature.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Well, that’s different. Don’t know anything that merges several plugins like Woocommerce and EDD in only.

    Try this one for the login page.

    Hope it helps.

    Post count: 13

    i’m thinking that what i would to do, i can’t.
    Or i set up the cardinal in crowdfunding mode and work with EDD or i set up the shop and work with WOO. Together is not possible, right?

    In any case there isn’t a common login e there isn’t login notice in home page. I’ll check the link for the login, thanks!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Don’t know any problem of having everything together.
    Give it a try with that plugin that has shortcodes that you can use in any desired page.


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