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  • #238285
    Post count: 34


    I am having an issue with the Visual Composer (VC) and the Swift Page Builder (SPB) conflicting with each other. I have a form embed code that loaded fine before, but now it loads so slowly that anyone waiting would think it was blank. When I look at the both the VC and SPB versions, there appears to be extraneous code that I cannot access to erase. I don’t really have a preference for which I use to insert the text box, I just want one to be clean. I’ve cleared it all out and started from scratch on the page, but the extra stuff keeps popping up. See the screenshot for an example.

    Thanks for any ideas, I really need for this form to load quickly.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    If you have the option to pick one Page Builder, for the page, stick with just the SPB.

    To resolve your issue you will need to switch to the classic editor and remove the code from the Visual Composer plugin. The [vc_ shortcodes.


    Post count: 34

    That worked! Thank you so much 🙂

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Great, no problem!


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