New Landing How can we help? Atelier Footer and Header styling

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #290283
    Post count: 34


    I have added the newsletter sign up to my footer but don’t love the look. Can you help me make it look more like the one circled in my attached picture? I did try the knowledge base thing but it wasn’t right either. Inner colour #aedddb

    Also on your advice, I have used the Booster plug-in for the currency switcher. Can you help with making this look more part of the theme too? I have attached a pic of this too.

    Thank you

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please add this to Theme Options => Custom CSS

    #footer-widgets input[type="text"], #footer-widgets input[type="email"] {
        background-color: #B0DCDB;
        border-top: none;
        border-left: none;
        border-right: none;
        border-bottom: 2px solid #000!important;
    select#wcj-currency-select {
        border: none;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 16px!important;
    Post count: 34

    Thanks Martin, almost there…

    The little arrow head/drop down thingy is pale grey, so doesn’t look like it is part of the same thing… can we change that to the same colour as the text?
    Also when you start to scroll it moves out of alignment? It is not a huge problem, but I thought worth asking about.

    The footer button: Can we make it the same shape as the other boxes with the dark grey outline? My mock up also had it the paler colour within, I don’t mind if it stays the darker colour within if that’s too hard, but do think it needs the dark outline.

    Thank you so much!

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-

    #mc4wp-form-1 input[type="submit"]{
        border-color: #000 !important;
        color: #414141;
        width: 100% !important;
        font-size: 16px !important;
        font-weight: normal !important;
    background:none !important;
    background:none !important;
    content:"\f078" !important;
    font-family:FontAwesome !important;
    color:#000 !important;


    Post count: 34

    Thanks for that again.

    the footer looks perfect!

    The currency arrow is still not the dark grey and it is still not sticking in alignement when scrolling through the site.

    Also when viewing on a narrower screen, the currency converter sits over the top of the other menu buttons – is there a way to drop this to the back or another solution?

    You can see it here

    Thank you

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Just provide me screenshot image to get your narrower screen issue. Please provide me login detail to check and resolve the issue.

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