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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #123536
    Post count: 1

    Hi guys,

    I have a problem reagarding “resposniveness” on my iPhone/iPad.

    1) How is it possible to adjust the size of the buttons/ pictures etc. for resposnive design? So on Smartphones?

    1a) Possible to change the menu structrue on iOS?

    2) The main problem is: On iOS I have to dobble-click on the menues during switching between menues. On Android it works fine. But NOT on IOS!! How can I fix it?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) The theme is already responsive, everything will fold down for mobile/tablet

    1a) Unfortunately not sorry

    2) Not sure what you are referring to? Switching between menus?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 1

    A2) I am refering to my iOS devices. For example when I would like to switch from “home” to an another menue e.g “example”, then mostly I have to dobble tab on the destination menue to get there.

    1- Try it – Take your iOS device and go to:
    2- Try to sweetch from “home” to an another menue-Point “Showcase & Angebote” after that to an another “kontakt”. Then you will see, that you have to dobble-click on the menues.

    This problem exists only on iOS. Android works fine!

    For this I need support.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I’m afraid that’s nothing to do with the theme, we can’t control how browsers treat links. For e.g. test with Themeforest on your iPhone, the links in their nav are the same

    – Kyle

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