OK so it takes a while to do but here’s how you do it. It seems complicated but it’s just long, also it was my first bit of coding, if you can call it that. Note you may need dreamweaver or some sort of editing/coding software – or I could have made that up I’m not sure.
1. Download Filezilla – https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client
2. Watch these videos (if you scroll to the bottom there’s link to other articles – there should be 4 articles/videos to watch, about 15mins in total). Don’t worry if sometimes it times out really quick (it happened to me a few times, annoying i know but eh) – http://support.hostgator.com/articles/specialized-help/ftp/obtaining-and-installing-filezilla.
3. Then on the remote section (RHS), this will make sense once you’ve watched the vids, then click on the following folders “/” > www > “yourdomainname” > wp-content > themes > neighbourhood > includes > swif-framwork then what you wrote above.
4. One of the vids will explain how to alter the file and upload it again.
Good luck – if there’s anything else just ask.