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  • #118674
    Post count: 27

    Hi can someone please help me with the following issues:

    1.Make sure all the files do not redirect to the old URL (

    2.When we upload new products the pictures do not show because of the change of URL

    3. The blog does not show the pictures for each post

    Many thanks for your help in advance.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You need to run a find and replace script on your database to replace your old link with the new one. We recommend using this:

    – Kyle

    Post count: 27

    Hi Kyle,

    I have now had someone who knows how to do this for me complete the task.

    I am now have a problem with the product images displaying past the homepage.
    (Tried to re gen images but successfully managed 4 out of 204 out of a potential 720ish)
    Is there anyway somebody from the team could kindly have a quick look for me? (I believe you already have access)

    I just dont know where I am going wrong!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Looks like your database is still using the old links, looks like this person did not replace the links correctly

    – Kyle

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